Marketing Campaigns




Directed a Kickstarter video for Ajenaco to attract funding for the launch of a jacket for the modern women.

The video helped Ajenaco surpass its original funding goal by more than $10,000!

Altius Fitness


Directed an awareness ad for Altius Fitness, a start-up fitness company that offers busy clients a 6-week customized fitness plan.

The ad helped to raise awareness of Altius’s tailored wellness program in the Company’s hometown of Toronto.

Smoke-Free Campuses


Directed a marketing campaign for Smoke-Free Campuses to promote the use of smoke-free policies across campuses across Ontario.

Since the launch of the video, momentum is growing for safer, cleaner air with more than half of Ontario campuses implementing smoke-free policies.

St. Stephen’s Community House


Created a promotional campaign for St. Stephen’s Community House, a non-profit that aims to empower and enrich the lives of communities in downtown Toronto.

The video focused on promoting the employment services offered at St. Stephen’s.

Ozery Bakery


Directed and provided voice-over talent to promote the launch of Ozery Bakery’s Rockin’ Moroccan — the ultimate sandwich bun!

Ozery Bakery ran a contest for the best commercial to promote their new line of Moroccan-inspired bread, and my ad won!


Spec Work